Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Soil pollution, caused by

Soil pollution, caused by:Organic and inorganic waste from household waste, market, industry, agriculture, livestock, and so forth.Consequences caused by soil pollution are:

Disruption of organisms (especially microorganisms in the soil).
The changing nature of the chemical or physical properties of the soil so it is not good for plant growth, and
Change and affect the ecological balance

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b) Based on Various PollutantsAccording pencemarnya range of materials, pollution can be divided into the following:

Chemical pollution: CO2, heavy metals (Hg, Pb, As, Cd, Cr, Ni), radioactive material, pesticides, detergents, oil, inorganic fertilizers.
Pollution biology: microorganisms such as Escherichia coli, Entamoeba coli, Salmonella thyposa.
Physical pollution: metal, cans, bottles, glass, plastic, rubber.
Noise pollution: noise (cause sleeplessness, deafness, psychiatric disorders, cardiovascular disease, the fetus in the womb, and stress).
c) Based on the level of pollutionAccording to the level of pollution, pollution can be divided into the following:

Light pollution, which is pollution that started cause other ecosystems. For example, motor vehicle gas pollution.
Chronic pollution, the pollution resulting chronic diseases. For example, pollution of Minamata in Japan.
Acute pollution, which is pollution that can kill instantly. For example, pollution from exhaust gas CO deadly people in a closed car, and radioactive pollution.

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