Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Measuring CO2 Levels

Measuring CO2 LevelsCO2 can also dissolve into the water. Levels of dissolved CO2 is strongly influenced by temperature, pH, and the number of organisms that live in water. The more organisms in the water, the higher levels of dissolved carbon dioxide (unless in the water there are water plants that photosynthesize). Levels of CO gas can be measured by titrimetric.c. Measurement of Dissolved Oxygen LevelsLevels of dissolved oxygen in natural water ranges 5-7 ppm (part per million or one in a million, 1 ml of oxygen dissolved in 1 liter of water is said to have levels of 1 ppm oxygen).Decreased levels of dissolved oxygen can be caused by three things:

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The process of oxidation (pembokaran) organic ingredients.
Reduction process by substances produced from the anaerobic bottom waters.
The process of breathing organisms that live in the water, especially at night.Chemical parameters were carried out through the respiratory microorganisms known as biochemical parameters, such as BOD is a measurement or KOB

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