Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

ormed Ozone Hole

ormed Ozone HoleThe formation of the ozone hole is a global problem. This is due to contaminants can spread and have an impact elsewhere. CFC gas, such as Freon and of the spray, which soared to reach the stratosphere. In the stratosphere there is a layer of ozone gas (O3). The ozone layer is a protective (shield) of the earth from ultraviolet light. When CFCs reach the ozone layer, there will be a reaction between CFCs and ozone, so that the ozone layer is "hollow".8. Greenhouse EffectOther global issues is the greenhouse effect. CO2 produced from the combustion process increases the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. As a result, the earth covered with gas and dust contaminants. CO2 gas content higher because many forests are clear, so it can not absorb CO2.

Placing an industrial area or a factory far away from residential areas or settlements.
Disposal of industrial waste regulated so as not to pollute the environment or ecosystem.
Supervision of the use of the types of pesticides and other chemicals that can cause environmental pollution.
Extending the green movement.
Action against perpetrators of environmental pollution.
Bring awareness to the community about the meaning of the environment so that people are more loving environment.
Disposing of waste in place.
The use of environmentally friendly land.

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