Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Secondhand smoke can cause

Smoke - Secondhand smoke can cause chronic cough, lung cancer, affects the fetus in the womb and a variety of other health problems.
Smokers divided into two active smokers (those who smoke) and passive smokers (people who do not smoke but inhale cigarette smoke). Passive smoking is more dangerous than active smokers.Consequences caused by air pollution, among other things:

Disruption of human health, such as cough, bronchitis, emphysema, and other respiratory diseases.
Damage to buildings due to weathering, corrosion on metals, paint and color fade.
Disruption of plant growth, such as yellowing of leaves or plants kerdilnya result of high concentrations of SO2 gas in the air.
The existence of the greenhouse effect events that could raise global temperatures and can change the Earth's climate patterns and melt the polar ice caps.
Acid rain pollution caused by nitrogen oxides.

Air pollution, caused by:
(1) Agricultural Waste.Agricultural waste can contain pollutants insecticides or organic fertilizer. Insecticides can be deadly river biota. If the biota of the river is not dead then eaten by animals or humans, who eat it will die. To prevent this, try to choose a narrow-spectrum insecticides (specifically kill the target animal) and are biodegradable (able to biodegrade) and spraying in accordance with the rules. Do not discard the medication into the river. Organic fertilizers are soluble in water to fertilize the water (eutrophication), as water rich in nutrients, algae and aquatic plants flourish (blooming). This would disrupt aquatic ecosystems, deadly fish and organisms in the water, due to oxygen and sunlight are necessary organisms in the water blocked and can not get into the water, so that the levels of oxygen and sunlight is reduced.

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