Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

ormed Ozone Hole

ormed Ozone HoleThe formation of the ozone hole is a global problem. This is due to contaminants can spread and have an impact elsewhere. CFC gas, such as Freon and of the spray, which soared to reach the stratosphere. In the stratosphere there is a layer of ozone gas (O3). The ozone layer is a protective (shield) of the earth from ultraviolet light. When CFCs reach the ozone layer, there will be a reaction between CFCs and ozone, so that the ozone layer is "hollow".8. Greenhouse EffectOther global issues is the greenhouse effect. CO2 produced from the combustion process increases the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. As a result, the earth covered with gas and dust contaminants. CO2 gas content higher because many forests are clear, so it can not absorb CO2.

Placing an industrial area or a factory far away from residential areas or settlements.
Disposal of industrial waste regulated so as not to pollute the environment or ecosystem.
Supervision of the use of the types of pesticides and other chemicals that can cause environmental pollution.
Extending the green movement.
Action against perpetrators of environmental pollution.
Bring awareness to the community about the meaning of the environment so that people are more loving environment.
Disposing of waste in place.
The use of environmentally friendly land.

Extinction of Species

Extinction of SpeciesPollutants harmful to aquatic and terrestrial biota. Different types of animals were poisoned and then die. Various species of animals that do not have the same immunity. There are sensitive, some are resistant. Young animals, animals that larvae are sensitive to contaminants. There are animals that can adapt so resistant to pollutants, some are not. Although animals adapt, to know that the level of animal adaptation has its limits. When the limit is exceeded, the animal will die.2. Blasting HamaThe use of insecticides can also be deadly predators. Because the predator species, then. insect pests will flourish without restraint. Spraying with insecticides may also result in some insect species become resistant (resistant). To combat it, required a higher dose than usual. As a result, pollution will increase.

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3. Environmental Balance DisordersThe extinction of certain species can alter the pattern of interactions in an ecosystem. Food chains, food webs, and energy flow changes. As a result, the balance of disturbed environments. Recycled materials and recycle biochemical disturbed.4. Declining Soil FertilityThe use of insecticides can kill soil fauna. This leads to decreased soil fertility. The use of fertilizer can lead to persistent soil acidification. It also can reduce soil fertility. To overcome this,Should fertilization with manure or compost, planting systems criss-cross (intercropping), and rotation of crops. Crop rotation means planting different crops alternately in the same land.5. Toxicity and DiseasePeople who eat vegetables, fish, and contaminated food can be poisoned. Poisoning, people can suffer liver damage, kidney cancer, damage the nervous system, causing defects in the offspring even death.6. Biological concentrationPollutants entering the environment through food chains and food webs. Toxic materials are dumped into the water can seep into the body of algae. Furthermore, these algae are eaten by tiny shrimp shrimp eaten by fish. If the fish are caught and then eaten by humans, pollutants will enter into the human body.The process of elevated levels of pollutants through the living body are known as biological concentration (in English known as biomagnification).

Organic pollutants

BOD measurementsOrganic pollutants (leaves, dead, carbohydrate, protein) can be decomposed by bacteria water. Bacteria need oxygen to oxidize the organic substances, resulting in levels of dissolved oxygen in the water decreases. A growing number of organic pollutants in waters, the more oxygen is used, the smaller the resulting dissolved oxygen levels.The amount of dissolved oxygen necessary for bacteria to oxidize organic material known as Biological Oxygen Consumption (KOB / COD) or Biological Oxygen Demand, commonly abbreviated as BOD.BOD rate determined by calculating the difference between the initial dissolved oxygen and dissolved oxygen as the water samples stored for 5 days at a temperature of 200C. Therefore completely written BOD205 BOD or BOD5 only.

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3. Biological ParametersIn nature there are animals, plants, and microorganisms that are sensitive and some are resistant to certain environmental conditions. Resistant organisms will remain alive. Water snails and planaria are examples of pollution-sensitive animals. Streams containing water snails and planaria show yet mangalami river pollution. Instead Tubifex worms (red worms) are worms that survive and even thrive in environments rich in organic matter, although other species of animals that have died. This means that the presence of these worms can be used as an indicator of contamination of organic substances. Organisms that can be used as guidance known as biological indicators of pollution.

Measuring CO2 Levels

Measuring CO2 LevelsCO2 can also dissolve into the water. Levels of dissolved CO2 is strongly influenced by temperature, pH, and the number of organisms that live in water. The more organisms in the water, the higher levels of dissolved carbon dioxide (unless in the water there are water plants that photosynthesize). Levels of CO gas can be measured by titrimetric.c. Measurement of Dissolved Oxygen LevelsLevels of dissolved oxygen in natural water ranges 5-7 ppm (part per million or one in a million, 1 ml of oxygen dissolved in 1 liter of water is said to have levels of 1 ppm oxygen).Decreased levels of dissolved oxygen can be caused by three things:

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The process of oxidation (pembokaran) organic ingredients.
Reduction process by substances produced from the anaerobic bottom waters.
The process of breathing organisms that live in the water, especially at night.Chemical parameters were carried out through the respiratory microorganisms known as biochemical parameters, such as BOD is a measurement or KOB